Selamat Hari Raya

I want to wish all my friends and my lecturers Selamat Hari raya Maaf Zahir Dan batin.Although Hari Raya is just around the corner, but i have many assigments to do.I hope i can finish my assigments before Hari Raya. I also want to wish Selamat Hari Raya to my family espeacially to my sister and my brother because they will not be able to come home during Hari Raya. This is the first time I celebrate Hari Raya without my brother and sister. I think that its for now,have a nice holiday And SELAMAT HARI RAYA!!!!!!!!!!

Akatsuki Rule

Naruto Chapter 417

Naruto chapter 417 was just release, completely translated into English. It is available to view online and direct download. Post your feedback in the comments, thanks!.You can download Naruto chapter 417 at

Also, if you're a Bleach fan, you can now get the new Bleach release at Remember, you can use your NarutoCentral login there too!

Naruto Wearing Akatsuki Suit

Naruto: Hurricane Chronicles episode 75

The 75th episode of Naruto: Hurricane Chronicles (Shippuuden) titled: "The Elder Priest's Prayer" has been released. It is now available for download. Currently we have the full quality AVI file and low quality MP4 version online. AVI is great if you want to watch it full screen on your computer. MP4 is nice if you want to put it on your iPod or some sort of media player. The online stream is also up now!you can download it at

Naruto Chapter 416

Naruto chapter 416 has just been released and it is completely translated into English. It is availanble for you to view online and direct download. Post your feedback in the comment section.
You can downlaod it at

More trailers for Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm

I was digging around and I found some more trailers for the new game coming out for the Playstation 3. you can check these out at

This is the first time I create this blog. I hope all of my friends and my lecturers will like my blog.
If you all have anything to say to me , you can comment it at my blog.The reason why I create this blog is because my lecturer that is Cik Amni give us assignment to compare the interface of the website between University.

Naruto Wallpaper


Team kakashi

Naruto Movie 3 Information

In case you guys wanted to know. Naruto the Movie 3: Guardians of the Crescent Moon Kingdom, is set to be released in the United States on November 11th. This is not a theatrical release, it is straight to DVD like most anime movies. Anyways make sure to go grab it when it comes out. I'll remind you guys here when it does come out.

Bleach 187 up!

I took this posting from naruto central.

The new Bleach episode has been released. We have put the episode onto the site. You can download the full quality AVI file or go with a lower quality MP4 which is perfect for putting on your iPod, Zune, or other portable media device. You can go to to check it out! Please help spread the word that Bleach Central is opened!

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    My name is Mohd Khairul Amin bin Mohd Zaki.

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